Know Jesus

God Loves You.

He is crazy about you; his love is totally unlimited and completely unconditional.

There is nothing that you can do that would make Him love you anymore or less than He does right now, there is nothing that God wants more than to love you and be loved by you, God is love

Sadly we have been separated from God’s love by Sin, Sin is every wrong deed, word and thought.

Simply put we choose to live for ourselves instead of Him. When we sin we ignore our loving Father break His laws and go our own way.

Sin destroys relationships with friends, family and ultimately with God, the Bible says that ultimately Sin brings death.

The just penalty for our sin, the wrong things every one of us have done, is spiritual death; separation from God. In the old testament times, God allowed animals to be sacrificed for the people's sin and would accept the shed blood as a substitute for the people's own life. But ever since man had first sinned, God had planned a permanent solution. The ultimate sacrifice that could pay the punishment for everyone's sin and see justice done.

The plan was this, to send his own son, Jesus who was himself God, to be born as a human baby and live on this earth leading a perfect, sinless life, and when He had done this, to voluntarily offer His own life as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sin. Not just death but separation from God, the only time Jesus had ever been completely separated from His father.

God has done His part. Jesus gave His own life as a punishment for OUR sin. We didn't deserve it. It wasn't 'fair' but that's how much God loves you.

Jesus took the death we deserved, he was our substitute, he died in our place, innocent blood was spilled. Because he was innocent death has no hold on him and He was raised to life, seen by many people and is alive today.

But now you have a decision, if you want to accept this gift of forgiveness, this promise of eternal life. If you want to be free from the punishment you brought on yourself by not doing things God's way, you need to decide to surrender to God and do things His way from now on. You need to believe that He exists, that He loves you and that He died for you.

"...if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
- Romans 10v9-10

The choice is yours. You still have free will, just the way God created you. You can surrender your life to God, the creator of the universe who loves you more than anyone else ever will and only wants the best for you, or, you can walk away and face the inevitable consequences.

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.""
- Deuteronomy 30v19-20

If you want to know this forgiveness and know this God who created you for relationship with Him. If you want to have that separation between you and God removed and have the punishment and guilt of all the wrong things you've ever done wiped away, then you can, right now! Just say this prayer and if you are sincere, God will see your heart and save you.

Dear God,
Thankyou that You died for me and want the best for me in every situation. I'm sorry for ignoring You and doing things my way.
I realise now that my sin has hurt You and the people around me and for this, I am truly sorry.
Thankyou Jesus that You came and took the punishment for my sin.
Thankyou that you gave your life for me.
Please forgive me and help me now as I decide to live only for You.

If you have decided to follow Jesus today or want to know more, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch using the contact page

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A new life.